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DAPP perpetrator programme

Domestic Abuse Perpetrator Programme (DAPP)

DV-ACT provides a structured domestic abuse prevention or perpetrator programme (DAPP) delivered by trained, experienced domestic abuse treatment practitioners. This work can now take place remotely using video call technology (with Zoom or similar) giving access to parents across the UK. All DV-ACT programme work includes partner support and a full final report by an expert risk assessor, ensuring that parties are fully informed of the progress made.


The programme is designed to work with perpetrators in the UK where the family court or local authority has concerns regarding the risk of harm to children due to domestic abuse. It is designed as a one-to-one intervention for local authority cases (child in need, child protection, PLO or care proceedings) particularly for those who have complex needs, are unable to undertake a groupwork programme or need a tailored intervention. 


The programme is suitable for those who:


  • accept that at least some of their behaviour is/has been abusive

  • have some motivation to change their behaviour

  • are willing to attend and complete the full programme

  • do not have any pending criminal proceedings for domestic abuse

  • are not already attending a programme with probation.


Private Law Proceedings


We can accept social worker referrals in private proceedings however if there is no social worker involvement we can only accept self-referrals from parents who cannot attend a groupwork programme for one of the following reasons:


  • They require a translator

  • They are a female perpetrator or a same-sex perpetrator

  • They are a registered sex offender

  • They have learning difficulties that are documented in the court paperwork

  • Require bespoke work to focus on a particular aspect of domestic abuse which has been recommended within an assessment


Features of the DV-ACTION Bespoke DAPP


A focused programme of work is delivered by a dedicated domestic abuse prevention treatment specialist.


Sessions are tailored to cover specific areas of concern and to meet the requirements of the child protection plan.


One to one sessions are delivered remotely across the UK and are available to those who require an interpreter or who have additional needs. 

Court Ready

The work is recorded accurately and reported upon completion to help inform the child protection plan.

Partner Support

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Confidential support will be offered to current/ex-partners of parents who attend our programme.

Programme session content

As sessions are delivered on a one to one basis, there can be a particular focus on specific areas of concern raised by the courts or to meet the requirements of the child protection plan.


The programme will cover all the topics usually delivered within a DAPP including:


  • Strategies for reducing violence

  • Analysing feelings and behaviour

  • Motivation to change

  • Power and control

  • Parenting

  • Emotional abuse

  • Developing empathy

  • Sexual respect and intimacy

  • Respectful relationships

  • Positive self talk

  • Attitudes towards women.




The programme consists of 18 sessions delivered on a one-to-one basis remotely using a video calling app (such as Zoom) by an experienced DV-ACT treatment worker. Further sessions can be added if required at the discretion of the treatment worker. Sessions will then take place weekly with an additional session towards the end of the programme where the expert assessor will meet with the client in order to complete the final assessment report.

Programme Delivery

Find out more

Man completing DV-ACT DAPP

Domestic Abuse Prevention Programme

Through 18 intense sessions, DV-ACT experts aim to move the client to a position where they can take responsibility for their abusive behaviour and make positive steps towards change.


They will also work on increasing their awareness and understanding of abuse, how this affects victims and their children and applying this to their own behaviour.




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